Monday, January 2, 2023


Although INTENTIONAL is not my one word for 2023, it is a word by which I try to live my life each day.  It is a word which many of us would do well to consider as we enter a new year.

Being intentional means more than merely setting goals.  It also means working with focus, determination, and commitment to accomplish those goals, and to do and be what we desire.  For those with weight-loss goals, it means making healthier dietary choices and sticking to an exercise regiment.  For those who desire to build a nest egg, it means spending less and saving more.  For someone like me, it entails making a to-do list then actively working to accomplish the tasks listed on it so that my work hours and leisure time are both productive and enjoyable.

Being intentional also implies that the thing you intend to do is something that truly matters to you or would make a difference in the life of someone else.  One of the things I want to be intentional about in 2023 is spending time not only with those I love but also with those who are lonely or sorrowful.  This might not necessarily mean I will physically visit -- though I do as often as I can -- but also that I keep in touch by phone and letter or email.  Life is too short not to share God's love with others who really need to know how much He loves them.

What is it that you would be intentional about this year?  I can think of nothing better than to be intentional about growing in your relationship with the Lord by committing yourself to a daily quiet time of prayer and Bible study -- not for the purpose of knowing Him more, but to love Him more and experience His love for you.  God desires to have an personal, intimate relationship with you and He made that possible by sending Jesus to die for your sins so that you might have access to God by faith in Him.

2023 can be a year of true adventure and abundance if we will prioritize our love relationship with Jesus.  We know that the enemy will continue to wage war against us and our families, country, and the world, but Jesus promises us a fulfilling and abundant life in Him.  

Jesus said, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.  I came that they may have life and have it abundantly" (John 10:10, ESV).  

As a Christ-follower and lover, I can attest to the fact that even when life is hard, His love and grace are sufficient to carry us through.  Why not be intentional about the one thing that will yield the greatest blessings you could ever imagine?  Let this be the year you fall in love with Jesus and His Word.

Copyright © 2023 by Dee Dee Wike. All rights reserved.

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