Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Sheltering in the Right Place

"Shelter in place" is a commonly-used term these days because of the coronavirus pandemic. It is also used when we are threatened by events such as mass shootings, natural disasters, and other emergencies.  Often we associate the word disaster with something we can see -- something which we are warned about ahead of time and can prepare for.  However, nothing could have prepared us for the disaster we are now experiencing -- this deadly virus that is as invisible as the air which has carried it all over the world.  Despite every effort to contain it, we have realized that we are no match for this silent enemy and that our best defense against it is hygiene, social distancing, and sheltering at home whenever possible.

As I was having my quiet time this morning I came across the following familiar verse: 
"Have mercy on me, my God, have mercy on me, for in you I take refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed" (Psalm 57:1, NIV).
As many times as I have read that verse I have never really noticed the last phrase, "until the disaster has passed."  This morning it caught my attention as never before.

The Bible has much to say about shelter.  Psalm 91:4 (NLT) says, "He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection."  Did you hear that?  God's promises are our protection!  How can we know His promises?  By reading his Word to us, the Bible.

Ecclesiastes 7:12 (ESV) reads:  "For the protection of wisdom is like the protection of money, and the advantage of knowledge is that wisdom preserves the life of him who has it."  Seems like wisdom is pretty important, right?  So, where do we find this wisdom?  Where do we find the truth we need to make sense of and survive the difficult circumstances of life, such as this global health and economic crisis we are experiencing?  From the 10:00 news?  No.  From God's Word.  Psalm 12:6 (NIV) tells us that "the words of the LORD are flawless."  With God, there is no such thing as fake news!

As you ride out this pandemic, make sure you are standing on God's Word.  In it you will find the wisdom you need and God's promises of peace, protection, and provision in these troubling times.  Use this time of sheltering in place to draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.  As you do, you will find that your loving heavenly Father is a solid rock on which to stand and a strong tower to shelter you until the disaster has passed. 

Copyright © 2020 by Dee Dee Wike. All rights reserved.

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