Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Ordinary or Extraordinary? It's Your Choice!

The last time I wrote a blog post I was enjoying a period of early retirement.  I was between jobs,  praying that God would show me what to do in that season.  I hoped that writing another book might be part of his plan but I couldn't quite seem to find the inspiration or motivation to write anything more than my daily journal entry.  My life of leisure was short-lived and I returned to the best job I've ever had, doing work that God has uniquely equipped me to do.  

Will I ever write another book?  Probably not, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.  Despite the fun of  book fairs and book signings, meeting fellow authors, and having a sense of accomplishment, I have found that embracing the ordinary in this season has probably been the most extraordinary journey of my life.  More than ever I believe that God's words are true:

8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord.
9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. -- Isaiah 55:8-9 (NIV) 

If you feel your life is an ordinary mess, you're in good company!  Embrace your ordinary and look for God's little touches along the way.  They're there.  For me, they're in the hearty laughter of a son at the end of a stressful work day, the quiet beauty of a daughter who inspires others with her creativity, and in the heartfelt song of a spouse whose love of singing cannot be contained.  You might find God's touches in the hands of an aging parent, the shoulders of a compassionate friend, and in the stranger that bought you a cup of Starbucks on a morning when you really needed a second cup to give you courage to face another day.  

It has been said that life is what we make it.  I confess I fail miserably at making a good life most days.  I prefer to leave that job to the One who knows me best, loves me most, and has promised me a life of purpose and peace as I keep my eyes fixed on him. 

Copyright © 2022 by Dee Dee Wike. All rights reserved. www.deedeewike.com

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